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- How we maximized task density on our ECS cluster by avoiding burstable instances
How we maximized task density on our ECS cluster by avoiding burstable instances
And why we had to deploy NAT Gateways in our public subnets

As I've mentioned in my previous posts, I've been recently working with an AI startup to help them optimize their AWS costs.
After quickly doing the basic things like converting EBS volumes to GP3 using EBSOptimizer, right-sized and converted their RDS databases to Graviton and a few other low hanging fruits, the bulk of the work was about converting their individual instances running Docker-compose to ECS.
I elaborated on this widely on my previous blog, so I won't go into details here, but the initial goal was to make their application suitable for Spot instances and adopt Spot in a more reliable manner using AutoSpotting.
We're not there yet, but we're very close to running everything on ECS, so we can next start a rightsizing exercise and qualifying services suitable for Spot instances based on the metrics offered by ECS.
As part of this effort we've also been trying to choose a more cost effective instance type and eventually settled for t3a.2xlarge for our ECS hosts, because we have very little CPU utilization, ideal for such burstable instance types.
Task density challenges
Soon after the team noticed something interesting: even though the t3a.2xlarge instance we were using had almost half the vCPUs and more than half the memory available (out of a total of 8 vCPUs and 32 GB of memory), it could only run 3 ECS tasks:

This t3a.2xlarge instance won't get any new tasks scheduled on it.
What's going on here?
As mentioned in the previous blog, we're using the awsvpc
networking mode, which is great for allocating dedicated IPs to tasks, avoiding port conflicts and the use of dynamic port ranges and allowing us to configure security groups for the tasks.
This is important for us because the applications all listen on the same monitoring port, and if we used the bridge
mode with dynamic ports the monitoring system wouldn't be aware of the dynamic ports and couldn't connect to them
The way awsvpc
works is each instance type allocates an ENI(Elastic Network Interface) for each ECS task.
The problem is each instance type has a fixed number of ENIs, depending on the size of the instance, and the scheduler will consider the instance busy when the ENIs are all exhausted.
I knew about this ENI limitation since a long time, but the development team wasn't aware of it, as it's relatively easy to oversee in the ECS docs if you don't pay attention, and also even if you read the docs there aren't clear guidelines on how to overcome it unless you combine the information from a number of documentation pages.
And a little detour on NAT Gateway
BTW, this is not the only largely unknown drawback of awsvpc
, we also recently learned it also requires NAT Gateways even though the ECS hosts are in a public subnet (!!!) or otherwise the tasks have no internet access.
As per the docs:

But back to our task density challenges…
How to get higher task density with ECS?
One way out of this situation would be to switch the networking mode to bridge
and use dynamic ports, but then we lose all the nice things about awsvpc
I mentioned above, which is something we didn't want.
In order to increase task density while keeping awsvpc
we can enable ENI trunking, as per the same docs:

To enable ENI trunking all you need to do is run this AWS CLI command, then all newly launched instances will have it enabled, and ECS should automatically provision more tasks on them:
aws ecs put-account-setting-default \
--name awsvpcTrunking \
--value enabled
This AWS blog is also a great resource for enabling ENI trunking, as always much easier to digest than the docs.
But then nothing happened…
When the team first enabled VPC Trunking and started a few new instances, it still had no effect.
We then realized that the burstable instance types such as our t3a.2xlarge don't support ENI trunking at all. Bummer!
(The full list of instance types that support ENI trunking is available at here, also showing the number of tasks with ENI trunking enabled.)
So we ended up converting our configuration from t3a.2xlarge to m6a.2xlarge, which has the same CPU and memory size but supports a much higher task density when ENI trunking is enabled:

Yes, m6a.2xlarge is a bit more expensive than t3a.2xlarge ($252.28 vs $219.58 monthly in Virginia), but as soon as we started using it, the ECS scheduler filled it up with tasks, as expected, so we need to run much less of them to run the same tasks:

m6a.2xlarge can run way more than 3 tasks with ENI trunking enabled
Final words
Even though I knew about the ENI limit and that VPC Trunking is a great workaround, I wasn't aware the burstable instance types don't support it, and also wasn't aware of the NAT Gateway requirement for public subnets.
I hope that you learned something new from this blog so you don't have to learn these the hard way.
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And If you're interested to optimize your AWS environment for costs, performance or anything in between with a deeply technical ex-AWS Specialist SA, I'm happy to help.